I'm trying to use fibonacci's sequence as limits for a game's experience points to level conversion (i would like critics on that decision too), something like this:
If a player has 49.450 points, he's in level 25, because the closest smaller fibonacci number is 46.368.
I'm having trouble, however, to figure out how to do that. Apart from creating a map with levels as keys and limits as values, is there any smarter way?
Fibonacci grows exponentially. The base is phi (the golden ratio), so it's not quite as fast as 2^n, but it's still pretty fast. only the smallest 94 or so Fibonacci numbers can be represented by an unsigned 64-bit integer, so a lookup table is probably your best option.
However, if you really did want to compute it, you could invert the closed form solution to get something like:
int fibIndex(long n) {
return Math.round(Math.log(n * Math.sqrt(5))/Math.log(PHI));
this may be of by one, and of course cannot distinguish between the double 1s early in the sequence.