I'm using the latest version of RapidJson I found and I got now a strange warning when compiling, not shown before. I use this approach to write a Document in a Json using RapidJson:
GenericStringBuffer< UTF8<> > buffer;
Writer< GenericStringBuffer< UTF8<> > > writer(buffer);
Now, I got this warning:
...\rapidjson\document.h(553): warning C4800: 'unsigned int': forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) ...\firsttimescene.cpp(583): see the reference to the instance of function template 'const rapidjson::GenericValue &rapidjson::GenericValue::Accept>(Handler &) const' being compiled with [ Encoding=rapidjson::UTF8<>, OutputStream=rapidjson::GenericStringBuffer>, Handler=rapidjson::Writer>> ]
Do someone can help me? It seems everything is working but I'm a little bit afraid.
Fixed the bug in Document.h by PAH on the new release: https://github.com/pah/rapidjson