Starting with string ""
, I'd like to get {:v P76Vbsk_3J0}
I am nearly there with:
(#'ring.middleware.params/parse-params "" "UTF-8")
=> {"" "P76Vbsk_3J0"}
(clojure.walk/keywordize-keys {"" "P76Vbsk_3J0"})
=> {: "P76Vbsk_3J0"}
Is there something I can grab from ring
to get me the rest of the way there?
expects only to receive a query parameter string so you need to remove everything before and including the ?
, something like this will work:
(second (.split "" "\\?"))
;=> {"v" "P76Vbsk_3J0"}
Note that you are using a function that is not a part of the public API.