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How to move CEDET auto generated ede-projects.el, and srecode-map.el?

What are the variable names that can customize the directory to store CEDET auto generated files, like ede-projects.el and srecode-map.el? By default they are in ~/.emacs.d, but I want to move them to somewhere else. Thanks!


  • For "ede-projects.el" I've found the next solution placed directly after loading Cedet:

    (setq ede-project-placeholder-cache-file (concat tmp-dir "ede-projects.el"))

    where "tmp-dir" is some path you want it be.

    The same is for Semantic:

    (setq semanticdb-default-save-directory (concat tmp-dir ".semanticdb"))

    And for the "srecode-map.el" I've found nothing better to replace line 48 in "..\cedet\lisp\cedet\srecode\map.el":

      (locate-user-emacs-file "srecode-map.el" ".srecode/srecode-map")


      (locate-user-emacs-file (concat tmp-dir "srecode-map.el") ".srecode/srecode-map")

    I am not definitely sure, but there must be a variable not a hardcoded string.