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Equally resize all children of a Row to fit in their parent

I'm trying to put 5 buttons in my window, aligned in a row, and each button should have equal width, while occupying all the available space in the parent. Here's how I'm trying (fails):

Row {
      id: toolbar
      width: 300
      height: 80

      Button {
        text: "left"

      Button {
        text: "right"

      Button {
        text: "tab"

      Button {
        text: "home"

      Button {
        text: "end"

In this example, the Button items won't be resized to fit in their parent. I would like to see each Button get 1/5 of their parent's width. Obviously, using Row isn't enough.

Also, using:

width: parent.width / parent.children.count

in each Button fails, as parent.children.count is undefined. One could use Component.onCompleted to set the width, when everything is already prepared, but there has to be a better way.

Is there an option of Row which enforces a width on its children? Or what other layout option is there?


  • Personnally when doing this I use a Repeater and a ListModel or an array of text so that you can easily know how many Button you are going to have and resize them properly

    ListModel {
        id: modelButtons
        ListElement { buttonText: "left" }
        ListElement { buttonText: "right" }
        ListElement { buttonText: "tab" }
        ListElement { buttonText: "home" }
        ListElement { buttonText: "end" }
    Row {
        id: toolbar
        width: 300
        height: 80
        Repeater {
            id: repeaterButton
            model: modelButtons
            delegate: Button {
                width: toolbar.width / repeaterButton.model.count
                text: buttonText