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How to get Grunt-Contrib-Jasmine to execute specs and load dependencies?

The project is: Backbone + Require + Underscore + Grunt + Grunt-Contrib-Jasmine + Grunt-Lib-PhantomJS

So two serious problems I've been battling. I know that phantomjs is running properly etc. as I get tons of runtime errors if I include my app src files. I've even ordered the deps properly such that Backbone does not barf with _ not being defined etc.

1) When I include my application src, I get the error can't find variable: define for all my source files. I've tried putting requirements into src[] isntead of vendor[] and even tried loading a RequireJSConfig.js that has the deps in it.

2) Here's the cruncher: I'm pretty certain I'm pointing at my spec files properly. If I just point to one test, it still says No Specs Executed. Is there a configuration error? In my case, I just point at my UserModelUnitTest.js, which is very simple. It does not execute. I'm going absolutely nuts!

The Spec (UserModelUnitTest.js):

describe('User Model Unit Tests', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    USER_CLASS = testr('models/user/User', {});

  afterEach(function() {
    USER_MODEL = null;
    USER_CLASS = null;
    JSON_OBJ = null;
  describe('Given a json object', function() {
    it('should create a valid User', function() {
      JSON_OBJ = {"databaseId": 123456,"loginName": "god","firstName": "Jesus","lastName": "Christ","phone": "666-666-6666","email": "[email protected]","isoCountryCode": "US","languageCode": "en","roles" : ["SALES_REP"]};
      USER_MODEL = new USER_CLASS(JSON_OBJ, { parse: true });
    // etc...

Here's my dir structure

 - src
     - main
     + test 
        + js

Here's my Gruntfile / Jasmine config

 jasmine: {
              src : [
                  // these all error like crazy. Can't find variable 'define' etc.
                  // 'src/main/**/*.js',                         
                  // 'src/main/**/**/*.js',
              helpers : [

                  // jasmine.js + jasmine-html.js etc

                  // stubs
              specs : [
              //specs : 'src/test/js/unit-headless.html',
              timeout : 10000,
              phantomjs : {
                  'ignore-ssl-errors' : true

But I do have specs!!!!


  • I just had the same problem. You need to define vendor, specs, helpers within the options option.

    jasmine: {
      src: 'path/to/src',
      options: {
        vendor: 'path/to/vendor',
        specs: 'path/to/specs',
        helpers: 'path/to/specs'
        // etc.