This is my first question on Stack Overflow, and it's quite a long question. The tl;dr version is: How do I work with a thrust::device_vector<BaseClass>
if I want it to store objects of different types DerivedClass1
, DerivedClass2
, etc, simultaneously?
I want to take advantage of polymorphism with CUDA Thrust. I'm compiling for an -arch=sm_30
GPU (GeForce GTX 670).
Let us take a look at the following problem: Suppose there are 80 families in town. 60 of them are married couples, 20 of them are single-parent households. Each family has, therefore, a different number of members. It's census time and households have to state the parents' ages and the number of children they have. Therefore, an array of Family
objects is constructed by the government, namely thrust::device_vector<Family> familiesInTown(80)
, such that information of families familiesInTown[0]
to familiesInTown[59]
corresponds to married couples, the rest (familiesInTown[60]
to familiesInTown[79]
) being single-parent households.
is the base class - the number of parents in the household (1 for single parents and 2 for couples) and the number of children they have are stored here as members.SingleParent
, derived from Family
, includes a new member - the single parent's age, unsigned int ageOfParent
, also derived from Family
, however, introduces two new members - both parents' ages, unsigned int ageOfParent1
and unsigned int ageOfParent2
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
class Family
unsigned int numParents;
unsigned int numChildren;
__host__ __device__ Family() {};
__host__ __device__ Family(const unsigned int& nPars, const unsigned int& nChil) : numParents(nPars), numChildren(nChil) {};
__host__ __device__ virtual ~Family() {};
__host__ __device__ unsigned int showNumOfParents() {return numParents;}
__host__ __device__ unsigned int showNumOfChildren() {return numChildren;}
class SingleParent : public Family
unsigned int ageOfParent;
__host__ __device__ SingleParent() {};
__host__ __device__ SingleParent(const unsigned int& nChil, const unsigned int& age) : Family(1, nChil), ageOfParent(age) {};
__host__ __device__ unsigned int showAgeOfParent() {return ageOfParent;}
class MarriedCouple : public Family
unsigned int ageOfParent1;
unsigned int ageOfParent2;
__host__ __device__ MarriedCouple() {};
__host__ __device__ MarriedCouple(const unsigned int& nChil, const unsigned int& age1, const unsigned int& age2) : Family(2, nChil), ageOfParent1(age1), ageOfParent2(age2) {};
__host__ __device__ unsigned int showAgeOfParent1() {return ageOfParent1;}
__host__ __device__ unsigned int showAgeOfParent2() {return ageOfParent2;}
If I were to naïvely initiate the objects in my thrust::device_vector<Family>
with the following functors:
struct initSlicedCouples : public thrust::unary_function<unsigned int, MarriedCouple>
__device__ MarriedCouple operator()(const unsigned int& idx) const
// I use a thrust::counting_iterator to get idx
return MarriedCouple(idx % 3, 20 + idx, 19 + idx);
// Couple 0: Ages 20 and 19, no children
// Couple 1: Ages 21 and 20, 1 child
// Couple 2: Ages 22 and 21, 2 children
// Couple 3: Ages 23 and 22, no children
// etc
struct initSlicedSingles : public thrust::unary_function<unsigned int, SingleParent>
__device__ SingleParent operator()(const unsigned int& idx) const
return SingleParent(idx % 3, 25 + idx);
int main()
unsigned int Num_couples = 60;
unsigned int Num_single_parents = 20;
thrust::device_vector<Family> familiesInTown(Num_couples + Num_single_parents);
// Families [0] to [59] are couples. Families [60] to [79] are single-parent households.
thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(0),
thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples),
thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples),
thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples + Num_single_parents),
familiesInTown.begin() + Num_couples,
return 0;
I would definitely be guilty of some classic object slicing...
So, I asked myself, what about a vector of pointers that may give me some sweet polymorphism? Smart pointers in C++ are a thing, and thrust
iterators can do some really impressive things, so let's give it a shot, I figured. The following code compiles.
struct initCouples : public thrust::unary_function<unsigned int, MarriedCouple*>
__device__ MarriedCouple* operator()(const unsigned int& idx) const
return new MarriedCouple(idx % 3, 20 + idx, 19 + idx); // Memory issues?
struct initSingles : public thrust::unary_function<unsigned int, SingleParent*>
__device__ SingleParent* operator()(const unsigned int& idx) const
return new SingleParent(idx % 3, 25 + idx);
int main()
unsigned int Num_couples = 60;
unsigned int Num_single_parents = 20;
thrust::device_vector<Family*> familiesInTown(Num_couples + Num_single_parents);
// Families [0] to [59] are couples. Families [60] to [79] are single-parent households.
thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(0),
thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples),
thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples),
thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int>(Num_couples + Num_single_parents),
familiesInTown.begin() + Num_couples,
Family A = *(familiesInTown[2]); // Compiles, but object slicing takes place (in theory)
std::cout << A.showNumOfParents() << "\n"; // Segmentation fault
return 0;
Seems like I've hit a wall here. Am I understanding memory management correctly? (VTables, etc). Are my objects being instantiated and populated on the device? Am I leaking memory like there is no tomorrow?
For what it's worth, in order to avoid object slicing, I tried with a dynamic_cast<DerivedPointer*>(basePointer)
. That's why I made my Family
destructor virtual
Family *pA = familiesInTown[2];
MarriedCouple *pB = dynamic_cast<MarriedCouple*>(pA);
The following lines compile, but, unfortunately, a segfault is thrown again. CUDA-Memcheck won't tell me why.
std::cout << "Ages " << (pB -> showAgeOfParent1()) << ", " << (pB -> showAgeOfParent2()) << "\n";
MarriedCouple B = *pB;
std::cout << "Ages " << B.showAgeOfParent1() << ", " << B.showAgeOfParent2() << "\n";
In short, what I need is a class interface for objects that will have different properties, with different numbers of members among each other, but that I can store in one common vector (that's why I want a base class) that I can manipulate on the GPU. My intention is to work with them both in thrust
transformations and in CUDA kernels via thrust::raw_pointer_cast
ing, which has worked flawlessly for me until I've needed to branch out my classes into a base one and several derived ones. What is the standard procedure for that?
Thanks in advance!
I am not going to attempt to answer everything in this question, it is just too large. Having said that here are some observations about the code you posted which might help:
operator allocates memory from a private runtime heap. As of CUDA 6, that memory cannot be accessed by the host side CUDA APIs. You can access the memory from within kernels and device functions, but that memory cannot be accessed by the host. So using new
inside a thrust device functor is a broken design that can never work. That is why your "vector of pointers" model fails.Having skim read the code you posted, my overall recommendation is to go back to the drawing board. If you want to look at some very elegant CUDA/C++ designs, spend some time reading the code bases of CUB and CUSP. They are both very different, but there is a lot to learn from both (and CUSP is built on top of Thrust, which makes it even more relevant to your usage case, I suspect).