I'm trying out an exercise in Learning jQuery 4th edition by Karl Swedburg for Ajax, and more specifically JSONP.
My code is
var url='https://api.github.com/users/jquery/repos';
$.getJSON(url + '?callback=?',function(data){
var content='';
content +='<div class="userdata">';
content +='<div class="username">'+item.id+'</div>';
content +='<div class="username">'+item.name+'</div>';
content +='<div class="userurl">'+item.url+'</div>';
content +='</div>';
I've checked the developer tools and my request is returning status 200
and an extract of the data returned from the request is as shown below
"id": 5999890,
"name": "2012-dev-summit",
"full_name": "jquery/2012-dev-summit",
//more stuff
I've checked and double checked my code and can't seem to figure out why is it returning undefined.
EDIT:Added what is appended
i get 6 undefined,which would equate to 2 iterations seeing as outputting 3 items per round, ie. id,name and url.
Try the below. You are getting the result in result.data object. Not in result object.
var url='https://api.github.com/users/jquery/repos';
$.getJSON(url + '?callback=?',function(result){
var content='';
var data = result.data;
content +='<div class="userdata">';
content +='<div class="username">'+item.id+'</div>';
content +='<div class="username">'+item.name+'</div>';
content +='<div class="userurl">'+item.url+'</div>';
content +='</div>';