I have a Gtk::Grid of 3x3.
Row 1 has Menubar, row 2 has Toolbar and row 3 has a Gtk::Notebook widget.
When I try to add a new page(s) in the Gtk::Notebook widget, it does not fill up the area completely. It looks like this :
The Gtk::Notebook has a Gtk::ScrolledWindow and a Gtk::TextView as child widgets.
What can I do to pack the Gtk::Notebook widget to fill the remaining space to it's bottom and right side ?
In Glade there's a property under "Widget spacing" named "Alignment" and it's Horizontal and Vertical values set to Fill does the job.
Is there some function to do that in code only ?
I got it working for now. Maybe it's not the best method, but it works.
After adding Gtk::Notebook to Gtk::Grid, call these two functions :
/* Fill up the extra space avialable */