I have such code in one .js file:
var ready;
ready = function() {
var galleries = $('.car-gallery').adGallery({
loader_image: '../assets/loader.gif',
slideshow: {
enable: false,
autostart: false,
speed: 5000,
start_label: 'Start',
stop_label: 'Stop',
// Should the slideshow stop if the user scrolls the thumb list?
stop_on_scroll: true,
// Wrap around the countdown
countdown_prefix: '(',
countdown_sufix: ')',
onStart: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow starts
onStop: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow stops
$(document).on('page:load', ready);
but in my rails 4 app i use turbolinks, and sometimes is so,that images are not loaded, but document is ready and i can't start ('.car-gallery').adGallery
maybe there are any ways to don't reload page, and use window.load with turbolinks? and how?
Apart from JQueryTurbolinks, as shown in the comments, it seems your JQuery is not binding to the page load events as it should
I would recommend this code (if you want to keep a native solution):
var galleries = function() {
loader_image: '../assets/loader.gif',
slideshow: {
enable: false,
autostart: false,
speed: 5000,
start_label: 'Start',
stop_label: 'Stop',
// Should the slideshow stop if the user scrolls the thumb list?
stop_on_scroll: true,
// Wrap around the countdown
countdown_prefix: '(',
countdown_sufix: ')',
onStart: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow starts
onStop: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow stops
$(document).on('page:load ready', galleries);
Can you try adding this:
var alert = function(){
$(document).on("page:load ready", alert);
After a conversation, we found this was the solution which worked best:
loader_image: '../assets/loader.gif',
slideshow: {
enable: false,
autostart: false,
speed: 5000,
start_label: 'Start',
stop_label: 'Stop',
// Should the slideshow stop if the user scrolls the thumb list?
stop_on_scroll: true,
// Wrap around the countdown
countdown_prefix: '(',
countdown_sufix: ')',
onStart: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow starts
onStop: function() {
// Do something wild when the slideshow stops
<%= link_to "link", path, data: { no-turbolink: true } %>