I am very new to GeoNames API and I need a hierarchical results say If I select Continent it will show all the countries and If I select a country I need to fetch all the states and so on.
Continent --> Country --> State --> Districts/Cities --> Towns --> Villages.
I need to build the above hierarchy. With the using of GeoNames API I was able to fetch till Districts/Cities but I was unable to fetch the Towns and Villages for particular District/City.
Is the GeoNames API doesn't have that database or is there any way to follow for getting Towns and Villages...???
Or else is there any separate API to achieve my task. I am fetching the records for a Country "INDIA".
Can any one help me on this. I stuck over here.
Thanq in advance
I suppose they have the answer for this in the GeoNames discussion baord already, thus do try the 'p' option with the fclass.