I've been searching online a lot for how to fix this. Also tried making everything public, but I don't think that's the problem. Here's my header code:
#ifndef DEALER_HPP
#define DEALER_HPP
#include <queue>
class Dealer{
queue<pair<int, char>> deck;
Dealer(); // default constructor
~Dealer(); // destructor
Source file:
#include "Dealer.hpp"
using namespace std;
Dealer::Dealer(){// create unshuffled deck
const char* suitValue[4] = {"c", "d", "h", "s"};
for (int i = 2; i <= 14; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
deck.push(pair<int, char> (i, suitValue[j])); // error on this line
I've got an error in my source file,
identifier "deck" is unidentified.
Any idea how to fix it? I've also tried using make_pair with no success. I really feel like the code I have should be working, I'm sure there's some simple mistake. Sorry, I'm having trouble chasing this down.
Firstly you need #include <utility>
and the declaration of deck
should be:
std::queue< std::pair<int, char> > deck;
This is probably the source of your error, although there should also have been an error message for this specific line.
Moving on, the pair is a pair of int
and char
. But you write later:
pair<int, char> (i, suitValue[j])
is a char *
, not a char
. So this also must generate a compiler error. I guess you want std::string
instead of char
and const char *
in both places.
Also, you access out of bounds in the j
loop. For an array of dimension 4
, the valid indices are 0
. Not 4