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e(fx)clipse 0.9.0 on Kepler with Java 7

is it possible to run the e(fx)clipse sample application on Kepler & Java7 at all ?

I took the steps, descripted in tutorial 4 to integrate the target definition(s)

I tried the all-in-one-eclipse as well as upgrading a common kepler-eclipse with update-site

However, the Sample Project JavaFX/Samples/e4 Media Application can not be compiled.

  • With Target Definition "RCP 3x Platform", all! application dependencies can not be resolved

  • With Target Definition "Target Platform Feature" a warning comes up, that the target version is newer than my current Eclipse installation. There are no comile errors anymore, but running the app I will get a lot of runtime errors like: Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability:; filter:="(&("

Did anybody get the sample "e4 Media Application" working ?

My Eclipse: Kepler Service Release 2

My Java: JDK 7u40

============== EDIT ==============

Got it working, thanks to Tom!

  1. Install fresh new Eclipse: http://

  2. Install Xtext 2.5.0, Update-Site: http://

  3. Install e(fx)clipse, Update-Site: http://

  4. Add new Target Platform, Update-Site: http:// Select FX Target -> Target Platform Feature


  • The nightly runtime site already requires Java8 (see announcement on e(fx)clipse newsrpoup!)

    If you want to run it on Java7 you need to use for the target platform