I want to integrate Mailjet API in Grails application for sending mails, I have already used ASYNC mail API for sending mail in grails, in this api , I need to give configuration parameters in config.groovy. Now as I am using Mailjet for sending mails, so I need to give Mailjet SMTP settings in config.groovy, so I give as follows :
grails {
mail {
host = "in.mailjet.com"
port = 465
username = "xxx@gmail.com"
password = "xxx"
props = ["mail.smtp.host": "in.mailjet.com",
"mail.smtp.socketFactory.port": "465",
"mail.smtp.socketFactory.class": "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",
"mail.smtp.port": "465",
"mail.smtp.user": "API key of mailjet",
"mail.smtp.password": "secret key of mailjet"]
Here is the example of sending mail using java code
What am I doing wrong?
username and password have to contain your api key and the api secret, not the credentials that you use to log into the web site. Using mail.smtp.host as a property is redundant and should not be necessary.