I apologize if this is a trivial question or my understanding of rails is weak.
I have 2 actions in my controller, index and refine_data.
index fetches and displays all the data from a database table.
refine_data weeds out unwanted data using regex and returns a subset of the data.
Controller looks like:
def index
Result.paginate :per_page => 5, :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC'
def refine_data
results = Result.all
new_results = get_subset(results)
redirect_to :action => 'index'
I would like to redirect the refine_data action to the same view (index) with new_results.
As new_results are not from the database table (or model), how do I go about constructing my paginate?
I was not successful in getting will_paginate to work by creating my own find method. I was almost successful but not quite.
Here's what I've tried: In Controller:
def refine_data
Result.paginate_refined_data :per_page => 5, :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC', :exclude =>"somestring"
In Model:
def find_refined_data(args)
exclude_string = args[:exclude];
new_results = do_some_work_and_exclude_records(@results,exclude_string)
will_paginate had trouble with me passing an additional parameter :exclude which it did not understand.
The simplest solution for me was to create my own WillPaginate::Collection object.
So here's how mine works now:
#The method name does not cause will_paginate to intercept and try to do its magic.
def new_find_refined_data(args)
exclude_string = args[:exclude];
new_results = do_some_work_and_exclude_records(@results,exclude_string)
@entries = WillPaginate::Collection.create(1, args[:per_page]) do |pager|
# inject the result array into the paginated collection:
unless pager.total_entries
# the pager didn't manage to guess the total count, do it manually
pager.total_entries = new_results.length
Hope this will help any of the guys facing the same problem: