I have read this article here and tried to figure out how to work with bound types. What I try to achieve is a parametrized method that handles four different cases:
So here is the code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
B b = new B();
D d = new D();
I i = new I() {
handle(d); <---- Problem 1
public static class B {
public static interface I {
public static class D extends B implements I {
public static <T> void handle(T objT) {
private static <T extends B> void handle(T obj) {
public static <T extends B & I> void handle(T objT) { <--- Problem 2
private static <T extends I> void handle(T obj) {
The compiler complains and says two things:
Ambiguous call
The method handle(Main.D) is ambiguous for the type Main I guess the problem is caused by the same cause as Problem number 2. The & I clearly bounds the type of T to a subtype of B AND I thus removing ambiguity in my opinion.
Same erasure handle
Method handle(T) has the same erasure handle(Main.B) as another method in type Main My guess is that this is the real cause for all the problems. Java somehow removes bounding to I during runtime? But when I call the method with type B this doesn't call the annoted method.
Can someone explain how I fix the problem/distinguish between B, B&I and I?
There's a concept known as type erasure that applies to all generics in Java. With generic methods, after compilation, the methods in the byte code appear as their erasure, so
public static <T> void handle(T objT) {
private static <T extends B> void handle(T obj) {
public static <T extends B & I> void handle(T objT) { <--- Problem 2
private static <T extends I> void handle(T obj) {
actually become
public static void handle(Object objT) {
private static void handle(B obj) {
public static void handle(B objT) {
private static void handle(I obj) {
The left-most bound of a type variable is what a parameter of that type gets replaced with. As you can see, both your 2nd and 3rd method have the same name and same parameter types, ie. the same signature. This cannot be allowed by the compiler.
However, the syntax of bounds forces you to provide the class type before any interface types so
<T extends I & B>
wouldn't work. It also wouldn't work because your 4th method would again have the same erasure.
Additionally, invoking
is a problem since both the 2nd and 4th method could handle it, none is more specific. This is known as overloading ambiguity.