In Windows Phone (on both Windows Phone 7.1 and Windows Phone 8), in a block of text with wrapping I want a subtext to be underlined and clickable. However, Runs in TextBlock/RichTextBox don't have any events. Using WrapPanel of WPToolkit I could achieve the desired wrapping by putting each words in a separate TextBlock, but i loose the ability to set TextAlignment to Justify. Is there a better way to do this?
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run Text="I have a paragraph consisting of multiple lines that I want to be neatly wrapped with just one word that I'll be able to "/>
<Run TextDecorations="Underline">tap</Run>
<TextBlock Text="I "/>
<TextBlock Text="have "/>
<TextBlock Text="a paragraph "/>
<TextBlock Text="consisting "/>
<TextBlock Text="able to"/>
<TextBlock TextDecorations="Underline" Tap="HandleLinkTap" Text="tap"/>
Does solves your problem? I know little hackish way but still see if it works.
<RichTextBox TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run Text="I have a paragraph consisting of multiple lines that I want to be neatly wrapped with just one word that I'll be able to " />
<Hyperlink Click="HandleLinkTap">Tap</Hyperlink>