Is it possible to declare an interface inside an abstract class ?. I tried this and i was successfully able to do it without any compilation error?? In Practical usage is there any significance of this ??
Here is the code that i have wrote.
public abstract class X
public interface abc extends I1
public void sum(int i,int j);
public class Impl extends X
class InnerImpl implements abc
public int sum(int i, int j)
return i+j;
public interface I1
You can declare an interface within any class, not just abstract. The interface is implicitly static
, so your enclosing class is just providing a namespace scope and is otherwise unrelated to the interface.
The utility of this definitely exists and I have used it on a number of occasions. Often the interface is coupled to a method of the same class, so clients can pass implementations of that interface to the method.
With Java 8 and functional interface types the proliferation of local interfaces will only increase.