I am developing an application that tests web Services, and I use JUnit parameterized tests. I want to read parameters from a resources file. I am wondering which is the best way to store these parameters.
In a .properties file ?
test1.inputPath= C:\\Path
test1.expectedOutputPath= C:\\Path
test2.inputPath= C:\\Path2
test2.expectedOutputPath= C:\\Path2
In an xml file?
<inputPath> C:\Path <\inputPath>
<expectedOutputPath> C:\Path <\expectedOutputPath>
<inputPath> C:\Path2 <\inputPath>
<expectedOutputPath> C:\Path2 <\expectedOutputPath>
Other way to do this?
The best solution that I found for my problem is to use PropertiesConfiguration of Apache Commons Configuration. It is very simple to use:
In my .properties file :
test1= Path1,Path2
test2= Path3,Path4
Then I read the .properties file automatically and I retrieve paths as a String array for each test.
public static Collection<Object[]> readPropertiesFile(){
ArrayList<Object[]> result= new ArrayList<Object[]>();
try {
Configuration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("testPaths.properties");
Iterator<String> keys=config.getKeys();
String[] paths= config.getStringArray(keys.next());
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
return result;