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Titanium nl.fokkezb.drawer change statusbarstyle

How I can change the status bar style of the drawer? I put this code in my index.tss file but doesn't work...

"#drawer": {
    openDrawerGestureMode: "OPEN_MODE_ALL",
    closeDrawerGestureMode: "CLOSE_MODE_MARGIN",
    leftDrawerWidth: 200,
    statusBarStyle: "STATUSBAR_BLACK"


  • You have to do something like this index.js

    var mainWindow = NappDrawerModule.createDrawer({
        centerWindow: $.navController, 
        leftWindow: $.winLeft,
        rightWindow: $.winRight,
        closeDrawerGestureMode: NappDrawerModule.CLOSE_MODE_ALL,
        openDrawerGestureMode: NappDrawerModule.OPEN_MODE_ALL,
        leftDrawerWidth: 180,
        rightDrawerWidth: 220,
        statusBarStyle: NappDrawerModule.STATUSBAR_WHITE,
        orientationModes: [Ti.UI.PORTRAIT, Ti.UI.UPSIDE_PORTRAIT]
