I was trying to map a csv file so that each record would simply be a Dictionary<string,object>
I am receiving an
ArgumentException "Not a member access;"
When I try to do this. Code included below:
public class CsvFileReader : FileReader
public CsvFileReader(string path) : base(path){ }
public IDictionary<string, object> Read()
var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(Path));
reader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap(new DictionaryClassMap(reader.FieldHeaders));
return reader.GetRecord<Dictionary<string, object>>();
private class DictionaryClassMap : CsvClassMap<Dictionary<string, object>>
private readonly IEnumerable<string> _headers;
public DictionaryClassMap(IEnumerable<string> headers)
_headers = headers;
public override void CreateMap()
foreach (var header in _headers)
var localHeader = header;
Map(x => x[localHeader]);
Unfortunately, there currently is no support for mapping to a Dictionary
If you try doing GetRecords<Dictionary<string, object>>()
, you will get an error.
Types that inhererit IEnumerable cannot be auto mapped. Did you accidentally call GetRecord or WriteRecord which acts on a single record instead of calling GetRecords or WriteRecords which acts on a list of records?
You can't map to a Dictionary
either. In a mapping you need to specify a property of the class for the field to be mapped to. The indexer is not a member property which is why you're getting that error.
What you CAN do is this:
var record = csv.GetRecord<dynamic>();
You can use it as a dynamic object.
Internally, it uses the ExpandoObject
, so you can do this.
var dict = csv.GetRecord<dynamic>() as IDictionary<string, object>;