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Can I use CDI to @Inject a class in Jersey 1.x?

I think I'm asking this question but for Jersey 1.x: Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

I'm using Glassfish 3, CDI and Jersey 1.x. I have a @WebService that is injecting a class like this:

Foo foo;

I've tested this in the @WebService and it works. But the same line of code in my Jersey resource throws a NPE when it tries to use foo. I think Jersey 1.x is ignoring the CDI annotations. How can I get dependency injection working like it does in my @WebService?

Foo is a pojo and my web.xml is using the ServletContainer:


I've found some help here. The problem is my Foo @Injects its own beans (they're actually EJBs that come from a class with @Provides in it). resourceContext.getResource(Foo.class); returns an instance of Foo, but foo's @Injected fields are null.


  • I found an article that explains how to do this:

    The problem here is, that CDI isn’t in place to instantiate the dependency. Their[sic] are two solutions for this problem:

    1. Let CDI instantiate the dependency, but let Jersey managed it This can be achived using @ManagedBean and a Jersey specific annotation.
    2. Let CDI instantiate the dependency and let CDI manage it. This can be achieved using @RequestScoped or other CDI specific annotations.

    I chose the first option and put the javax.annotation.ManagedBean annotation on my resource. Here's an example:

    import com.coderskitchen.thegreeter.greetings.GreetingService;
    import javax.annotation.ManagedBean;
    import javax.inject.Inject;
    public class Greeter {
        GreetingService gs;
        public String greetSomeone(@PathParam("name") String name) {
            return gs.greetSomeone(name);

    * Also I found this official article, which actually isn't as useful: