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angular-resource not being properly injected with AMD

I fail to make angular.resource.js work with angular.js. Angular is loaded but it seems angular.resource is not.


<!doctype html>
          var require = {
            shim: {
              angular: {
                exports: "angular"
              "angular.resource": {
                deps: [ "angular" ]
        <script src="require.js"></script>
        <div ng-controller="TagsController">
            require( ["TagsInit"] );


], function( angular ) {
    var module = angular.module( "app.customer", [] );

    module.controller( "TagsController", function( $scope, tagsService ) {
        console.log( "TagsController executed" );
    module.service( "tagsService", function( $resource ) {
        console.log( "TagsService executed" );

    angular.bootstrap( document.body, [ "app.customer" ] );

I suppose it is somethign related to the shim config but I fail to realize it:

shim: {
    angular: {
        exports: "angular"
    "angular.resource": {
        deps: [ "angular" ]

Using AngularJS v1.3.0-beta.2 and angular.resource (same version).

I get:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $resourceProvider <- $resource <- tagsService$injector/unpr?p0=%24resourceProvider%20%3C-%20%24resource%20%3C-%20tagsService


  • Of course you have to pass 'ngResource' as a dependency of your angular module !

    var module = angular.module( "app.customer", ['ngResource'] );

    The AMD don't break the dependency system of AngularJS.

    IMHO,use requirejs with AngularJS is a bad idea ... because you've few benefits to use it. Only the script order insertion, not the modularity because Angular take is own system to manage modules.

    Hope it helps.