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Spring Roo and Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping

I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 4.3.2 and than I installed the following plugins:

After that I downloaded Spring Roo 1.2.5. Next, I created a new Spring Roo project with help of the wizard and in the Roo shell appears:

project --topLevelPackage sample.roo.flightapp --projectName flightapp-gwt --java 7 --packaging JAR

However, Eclipse showed the following problems in pom.xml.

Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.4:compile (execution: default, phase: process-sources)    pom.xml /flightapp-gwt  line 182    Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.4:test-compile (execution: default, phase: process-sources)   pom.xml /flightapp-gwt  line 182    Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem

How is it possible to fix the problem with "Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem"


  • This is not a Spring Roo bug: this just tell you that m2e eclipse plugin doesn't know how handle this maven plugins (when execute it on maven lifecycle).

    The proof that is not Roo bug is simple: compile it using maven command-line version.

    Check this post to try to solve your problem.

    Good luck!