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ng-repeat changing sort order on all items when new item added to model

I created a "tessellate" directive that lets you wrap a number of divs.

<tessellate columns="4">
  <div class="thumbnail" ng-repeat="item in items track by">
      {{item.Name}}<br />

It takes one div at a time and appends it to the shortest of the specified number of columns to create a tessellation/mosaic effect.

See the plunkr here:

The problem is that when the model changes, the ng-repeat uses the order that the divs appear in the DOM instead of the order in the model to redraw the elements. You can see that the items are sorted correctly at first and after clicking Add it is sorting the items from the first column horizontally, then the ones from the next column, etc.

How can I keep ng-repeat from using the DOM order to redraw elements? I already tried adding orderBy, but it didn't help.

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('itemController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.items = [
             { id:"1", Name:"Item1", Summary:"This is the summary of Item1" },
             { id:"2", Name:"Item2", Summary:"This is the summary of Item2. Some extra text on item two to test different heights." },
             { id:"3", Name:"Item3", Summary:"This is the summary of Item3" },
             { id:"4", Name:"Item4", Summary:"This is the summary of Item4. Some extra text on item four to test different heights." },
             { id:"5", Name:"Item5", Summary:"This is the summary of Item5. Some extra text on item five to test different heights. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"6", Name:"Item6", Summary:"This is the summary of Item6" },
             { id:"7", Name:"Item7", Summary:"This is the summary of Item7. Some extra text on item seven to test different heights." },
             { id:"8", Name:"Item8", Summary:"This is the summary of Item8" },
             { id:"9", Name:"Item9", Summary:"This is the summary of Item9. Some extra text on item nine to test different heights." },
             { id:"10", Name:"Item10", Summary:"This is the summary of Item10. Some extra text on item ten to test different heights." },
             { id:"11", Name:"Item11", Summary:"This is the summary of Item11" },
             { id:"12", Name:"Item12", Summary:"This is the summary of Item12. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"13", Name:"Item13", Summary:"This is the summary of Item13" },
             { id:"14", Name:"Item14", Summary:"This is the summary of Item14. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"15", Name:"Item15", Summary:"This is the summary of Item15. Some extra text on item to test different heights. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"16", Name:"Item16", Summary:"This is the summary of Item16" },
             { id:"17", Name:"Item17", Summary:"This is the summary of Item17. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"18", Name:"Item18", Summary:"This is the summary of Item18" }
    $ = $scope.items.length;
    $scope.add = function() {
        $ = $ + 1;
        $scope.items.push({ id: $, Name: "New Item" + $, Summary:"New Summary" });

app.directive('tessellate', [function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        scope: {
            columns: '='
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
            $scope.numberToArray = function (num) {
                return new Array(num);
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {

            scope.$watch(function () {
                return elem.children().first().height();
            }, function (height) {
                if (height > 0) {
                    var containers = elem.children();
                    var transcludedDivsContainer = containers.first();
                    var targetColumns = containers.eq(1).children();

                    // Add the transcluded divs one at a time into the shortest column.
                    angular.forEach(transcludedDivsContainer.children(), function (div) {
                        var shortCol = null;
                        angular.forEach(targetColumns, function (col) {
                            col = angular.element(col);
                            if (shortCol === null || col.height() < shortCol.height()) {
                                shortCol = col;
        templateUrl: "tessellateTemplate.html"


  • I forked your plunkr and messed around with it. I think it works the way you want now.

    Mainly what fixed it was sorting the list of dom elements by their index, and to do that I added the $index to a data-index attr on the element.