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Display data from single table where column values match

I have a table called 'Artists' which has columns Artist_ID, Artist_Name, Artist_Genre and have been trying to figure out how to list the Artists where they share the same Genre.

I think I might need a self join but can't quite get there. Can you please help?

Desired Output
Artist Artist 2 Shared Genre 
A      B        Classic 
B      C        Pop 


  • In SQL Server this would do what you ask, but I don't think it is really what you are asking.

    CREATE TABLE Artists(Artist_ID INT, Artist_Name VARCHAR(100), Artist_Genre VARCHAR(20))
    SELECT a.Artist_Name [Artist 1]
          ,b.Artist_Name [Artist 2]
          ,a.Artist_Genre [Shared Genre]          
      FROM Artists a
           INNER JOIN
           Artists b ON a.Artist_Genre = b.Artist_Genre
     WHERE a.Artist_ID < b.Artist_ID

    EDIT: I think it is worth showing you here as well that you can group by and generate a artist list. In sql server the syntax is a mess, but it get the job done.

    SELECT b.Artist_Genre,
           STUFF((SELECT ',' + CAST(Artist_Name AS VARCHAR(MAX))
                    FROM Artists a
                   WHERE a.Artist_Genre = b.Artist_Genre
                   ORDER BY Artist_Name
                     FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') Artist_List
      FROM Artists b
     GROUP BY b.Artist_Genre