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Adding a document into another Document through java service

I am writting a java service where I am building the document for output. But My structure should be : OutPut Doc is the top level doc. Inside that i want to have another Doc say Intermediate doc and in this intermediate doc i want to have Key values.

But My question is how can i insert one doc to another. I see the IDataUtil has put method which ask for key as string and value can be object.

My code is IDataUtil.put(idcvalueDoc, "Body", FullValue.toString());

But this Body should not be string it should be document .I want to insert one Doc to another.

Please help me

Image of output doc structure


  • To accomplish what you're after, you will need to do the following:

    1. Create an intermediateDoc IData object
    2. Add key value tuples to the intermediateDoc as required
    3. Create an outputDoc IData object
    4. Add the intermediateDoc as a key value tuple to the outputDoc
    5. Add the outputDoc to the pipeline

    The following is an example Java service that demonstrates this (note the key value tuples added to the intermediateDoc are hard-coded here for convenience):

    public static final void exampleService(IData pipeline) throws ServiceException {
      IDataCursor pipelineCursor = pipeline.getCursor();
      try {
        // create an intermediateDoc IData object
        IData intermediateDoc = IDataFactory.create();
        // create a cursor to use to add key value tuples to the intermediateDoc
        IDataCursor intermediateCursor = intermediateDoc.getCursor();
        // add key value tuples as required to the intermediateDoc
        IDataUtil.put(intermediateCursor, "key1", "value1");
        IDataUtil.put(intermediateCursor, "key2", "value2");
        // ...
        // destroy the intermediateCursor when done adding key value tuples
        // create an outputDoc IData object
        IData outputDoc = IDataFactory.create();
        // create a cursor to use to add key value tuples to the outputDoc
        IDataCursor outputCursor = outputDoc.getCursor();
        // add the intermediateDoc to the outputDoc
        IDataUtil.put(outputCursor, "intermediateDoc", intermediateDoc);
        // destroy the outputCursor when done adding key value tuples
        // add the outputDoc to the pipeline
        IDataUtil.put(pipelineCursor, "outputDoc", outputDoc);
      } finally {
        // destroy the pipelineCursor