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Using Enanciate to document a Spring MVC REST api

I have a Spring 3 application that I am trying to generate robust api documention against. I have tried a few different projects and am seeing if enunicate( will suit my needs including the ability to generate swagger formatted docs.

I have added the dependency to my pom.xml file as follows


and have created a simple enunciate.xml file in the root of my app as:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<enunciate xmlns:xsi=""
    <rest defaultRestSubcontext="/"/>
    <soap defaultSoapSubcontext="/"/>
<webapp mergeWebXML="src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
    <spring-app disabled="false"></spring-app>
    <docs docsDir="api" splashPackage="" title="Web Service API"
    <obj-c disabled="true"></obj-c>
    <c disabled="true"/>
    <csharp disabled="true"></csharp>
    <swagger disabled="false"></swagger>

When I run mvn clean package against my project only a couple of classes that have jax-ws annotations are picked up.

Does anyone have a working sample of Spring/REST/JSON controllers working with enunciate?



  • Unfortunately, Enunciate only supports standard JAX-RS interface annotations. Spring MVC isn't supported yet. Here's where we're tracking that work.