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figuring out sass mixins

I am brand new to sass and am trying to get my head wrapped around mixins and using if/else statements inside of mixins. I'm trying to write something simple that basically says if the width setting of a selector is greater than 50% it will be a certain color, otherwise it will be a different color.

Here is the code I have so far:

@mixin color-class($width) {
  @if "$width > 50%" {
    background-color: purple;

  } @else {
      background-color: orange; 

.selector-two {
  @include color-class(40%);

.selector-three {
  @include color-class(80%);

The css outputs the color as purple no matter what value I put here so I'm definitely missing something, any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • try removing the ":

    @if $width > 50% {}

    You can quickly experiment with it here: