I have a backbone application which works fine but was getting a bit heavy to be in one file so I have started to separate it into different files I now have:
I am using my backbone router to instantiate views when the URL changes like so:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'our-approach.php': 'instantiateOurApproach',
'our-work.php': 'instantiateOurWork',
'who-we-are.php': 'instantiateWhoWeAre',
'social-stream.php': 'instantiateSocialStream',
'contact.php': 'instantiateContact'
instantiateOurApproach: function() {
if(window.our_approach_view == null) {
window.our_approach_view = new OurApproachView();
instantiateOurWork: function() {
if(window.our_work_view == null) {
window.our_work_view = new OurWorkView();
instantiateWhoWeAre: function() {
if(window.who_we_are_view == null) {
window.who_we_are_view = new WhoWeAreView();
instantiateSocialStream: function() {
if(window.social_stream_view == null) {
window.social_stream_view = new SocialStreamView();
instantiateContact: function() {
if(window.contact_view == null) {
window.contact_view = new ContactView();
The problem I am now having is that I cannot access the views as they are declared in a separate file so the following are all undefined:
I have tried doing:
But this doesn't work.
I am not sure what my next move is so if anyone can help that would be awesome.
OK so it seems doing:
does actually work, my apologies there, but does anyone have a better suggestion?
You can take this approach:
// sample-view.js
var app = app || {};
$(function() {
app.SampleView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#sample-element',
template : // your template
events: {
// your events
initialize: function() {
// do stuff on initialize
render: function() {
// do stuff on render
Similarly, all your js files (models, collections, routers) can be setup like this. You would then be able to access any view from the router by doing:
var view = new app.SampleView();