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What is the recommended way to iterate a GNU Trove TObjectIntHashMap by decreasing value?

GNU Trove / trove4j TObjectIntHashMap is great for counting String occurences:

TObjectIntHashMap<Integer> map = new TObjectIntHashMap<>();
map.adjustOrPutValue(string, 1, 1);

Now a common task is to ask for the string with the highest count or iterate by decreasing count. How would you do this?

Thank you, Marcel


  • There are no special operations for this in TObjectIntHashMap. To get the entry with max value, iterate through all entries:

    class GetMaxEntry implements TObjectIntProcedure {
        Object key;
        int value = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        public boolean execute(Object k, int v) {
            if (v >= value) {
                key = k;
                value = v;
            return true;
    GetMaxEntry getMaxEntry = new GetMaxEntry();
    //process(getMaxEntry.key, getMaxEntry.value);

    To iterate by decreasing count, the only thing you can do is to dump entries into a collection or array of, say, AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntrys (or special Entry class with primitive value field) using the same forEachEntry operation and then sort by Collections.sort() or Arrays.sort() with custom Comparator.