For my project I need to know which border ('e' or 'w') the user take to resize a div. So is it possible to know or not?
I got that:
handles: "e,w",
grid: 71,
maxWidth: 1498,
minWidth: 69,
containment: $($(this).parent()[0]).parent()[0],
start: function () {
stop: function (event, ui) {
var numDayModif = (ui.size[0] - ui.originalSize[0]) / 71;
Since jQuery UI inserts elements into your resizable <div>
for each handle, you can work out which one is being targeted each time a resize begins:
start: function (e) {
var className =" ").pop();
var side = className.replace("ui-resizable-","",className);
console.log(side); // e or w
is the 'handle' (DOM element)pop()
. (The last class is something like ui-resizable-e
and you receieve what's left (e or w)Note: It'll of course work should you choose to use North and South handles too.