I want to open Telerik Report inside Telerik Window and also i want to fetch report view to another view ?
I also tried in my application I used Telerik().Window() inside Telerik().ReportView but then my js files crushed? I tried to create window from javascript but then myWindow undefined?
How can i do this?
Dou you have any idea or suggestion for it?
After some trials and read some articles i found how to open Telerik Report Viewer in Telerik Window
I just put my js and css files on my page and then basically i put my reporting codes inside window content and it works!!!
Here codes
@{ Html.Telerik().Window()
.Buttons(b => b.Close())
UriReportSource trial = new UriReportSource();
trial.Uri = "Report.trdx";
trial.Parameters.Add("Id", Session["Id"].ToString());