I have different xml files with different namespaces eg - oa, ns2, p...etc
I want the namespace to be ignored when converting the xml back to java object. or I want the namespace to be removed from the xml when converting the xml to object.
My sample xml data is
<oa:Sync confirm="Always">
<oa:SyncCriteria expressionLanguage="XPath">
<oa:SyncExpression action="Add"></oa:SyncExpression>
Below is the sample of the code which I am using to convert the above xml to java using Xstream.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("C:/kspace/xstream/src/input.out.xml"); // load our xml file
XStream xstream = new XStream(); // init XStream
// Determine type of message(Eg. 'EM1') and put the corresponding value from hashmap to a String.
// Pass the string to xstream.alias(stringnamewhichwasset, xmlRoot.class)
String interfaceMessageId = "MS1";
String xmlRootTagName = (String) messages.get(interfaceMessageId);
xstream.registerConverter(new XMLDateConverter());
xstream.alias(xmlRootTagName, RootType.class);
xstream.aliasField("ApplicationArea", RootType.class, "applicationArea");
xstream.aliasField("DataArea", RootType.class, "dataArea");
xstream.alias("ApplicationArea", ApplicationArea.class);
xstream.aliasField("Sender", ApplicationArea.class, "sender");
xstream.aliasField("CreationDateTime", ApplicationArea.class, "creationDateTime");
xstream.aliasField("BODId", ApplicationArea.class, "bodId");
xstream.alias("Sender", Sender.class);
xstream.aliasField("LogicalId", Sender.class, "logicalId");
xstream.aliasField("Component", Sender.class, "component");
xstream.aliasField("Task", Sender.class, "task");
xstream.aliasField("MessageCode", Sender.class, "messageCode");
xstream.aliasField("AuthorizationId", Sender.class, "authorizationId");
xstream.aliasField("OrganisationLevel", Sender.class, "organisationLevel");......
Is there any way to do it with Xstream at all?
Finally got the solution after trying using StaxDriver. Here is what I did.
QNameMap qmap = new QNameMap();
StaxDriver staxDriver = new StaxDriver(qmap);
XStream xstream = new XStream(staxDriver);
Creating the xstream object like that will ignore the namespace prefixes while parsing. So far I was successfully able to remove all the namespace prefixes.