I am trying to apply animations to ng-view (routing) depending of the views involved.
For example, from View1 to View2 I need the View1 leaving through the left side and View1 entering from the right side. Otherwise, from View2 to View1 I need View2 leaving through the right side and View1 entering from the left side.
But I have also situations where I need apply different animations to both views, for example, View1 leaving fading out and View2 entering scaling up.
What I am doing is using a scope associated variable as class in the ng-view:
<div ng-view class="{{transition}}"></div>
This variable is set in each route change with something like this in each controller:
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart",function (event, current, previous) {
// Here I get the leaving view and the entering view and the kind of transition is selected
$scope.transition=selectedLeavingTransition; // Set the transition for the leaving view
Global.transition=selectedEnteringTransition; // Set the transition for the entering view
Global is a service to set the transition variable for the entering scope from the leaving scope.
This way, when a route change is detected, the current ng-view is set with the class associated to selectedLeavingTransition, and the entering ng-view is set with the class associated to selectedEnteringTransition.
For example, if the route change was from View1 to View2 the ng-views during the animation could be:
<div ng-view class="fadeOut ng-animate ng-leave ng-leave-active"></div>
<div ng-view class="scaleUp ng-animate ng-enter ng-enter-active"></div>
The CSS in this case could be:
fadeOut.ng-leave {animation:1s fadeOut;}
scaleUp.ng-enter {animation:1s scaleUp;}
Though it works, I am wondering if there is a simpler way to do it as it seems a little mess.
An alternative solution that doesn't require much code is to define your animations on your routes:
$routeProvider.when('/view1', {
templateUrl: 'view1.html',
controller: 'View1Controller',
animations: {
enter: 'enter-left',
leave: 'leave-left'
Then use a directive to retrieve the current route's animations and add them to the element:
app.directive('viewAnimations', function ($route) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element) {
var animations = $route.current.animations;
if (!animations) return;
if (animations.enter) element.addClass(animations.enter);
if (animations.leave) element.addClass(animations.leave);
And put the directive on the element that contains the ngView directive:
<body ng-view view-animations></body>
Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/Y3ExDyiPIJwvVKO4njBT?p=preview
Edit: New solution.
To set animations during run-time I would use a service just like you are doing, but a directive to apply them.
Very basic example of service:
app.factory('viewAnimationsService', function ($rootScope) {
var enterAnimation;
var getEnterAnimation = function () {
return enterAnimation;
var setEnterAnimation = function (animation) {
enterAnimation = animation;
var setLeaveAnimation = function (animation) {
$rootScope.$emit('event:newLeaveAnimation', animation);
return {
getEnterAnimation: getEnterAnimation,
setEnterAnimation: setEnterAnimation,
setLeaveAnimation: setLeaveAnimation
And the directive:
app.directive('viewAnimations', function (viewAnimationsService, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element) {
var previousEnter, previousLeave;
var enterAnimation = viewAnimationsService.getEnterAnimation();
if (enterAnimation) {
if (previousEnter) element.removeClass(previousEnter);
previousEnter = enterAnimation;
$rootScope.$on('event:newLeaveAnimation', function (event, leaveAnimation) {
if (previousLeave) element.removeClass(previousLeave);
previousLeave = leaveAnimation;