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First class patterns in Erlang? (Alternatives)

Is there a way to create first-class-like patterns in Erlang? I need to be able to create and pass patterns as args to other functions but I know patterns are not first class in Erlang. I also looked at Elixir but it doesn't seem to offer anything more as far as patterns go.

I was wondering if anyone has come up with a simple solution to this problem. I was thinking of trying to implement something like this:

% Instead of using variables, we would just use uppercase atoms which would serve as vars
% A passable pattern
Pattern = {ok, 'Result'}. 

% Custom function to check for matches
match(pattern, {ok, [1,2,3]}). % => true

I am new to Erlang so perhaps this is completely unnecessary. Perhaps there is a library that does this sort of thing?

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • I don't know if something exists already that does what you want, but you can easily implement it like this:

    -module (match).
    -define(MF(S), fun(S) -> true; (_)->false end).
    match(F,V) -> F(V).
    test() ->
        Pattern = ?MF({ok,_}),
        false = match(Pattern,{error,reason}),
        true = match(Pattern,{ok,[1,2,3]}).