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Bootstrap button dropdown not showing in my Rails application

My Rails 4 application has the following edit.html.haml view for the projects:

  Edit Project
    = link_to 'Browse', projects_path, :class => 'btn'
    = link_to 'View', project_path, :class => 'btn'
    - if (( { |t| t.user_id }.include? || is_admin?)
      %a.btn.dropdown{:hfref => '#', :data => {:toggle => 'dropdown'}}
        = 'Time'
        %ul.dropdown-menu{:role => 'menu', 'aria-labelledby' => 'dLabel'}
            = link_to 'Submitted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Submitted')
            = link_to 'Totalled', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Totalled')
            = link_to 'Adjusted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Adjusted')
            = link_to 'Billed', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Billed')
      = link_to 'Software', tools_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
      = link_to 'Expense', expenses_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
    = render :partial => 'team', :locals => { :project => @project }

= render :partial => 'form'

I am not sure why the drop-down menu is not displaying when I click on the 'Time' button underneath which there are four menu items. The browser console does not show any errors.


  • Are you loading the Bootstrap's javascript file? The dropdown is made interactive with the dropdown javaScript plugin included in bootstrap.js.