I'm just getting started with the Google Safe Browsing API to verify destination URLs for my URL shortening service http://lin.cr. Do I have to download the entire list of suspicious sites or is there a way I can run a check only when I need it?
I don't have a crazy amount of traffic on the site, so I think it's easier to do it live.
I am not sure that doing any kind of "live" stuff would be OK, considering the Acceptable Usage in Clients part of the documentation (quoting a few sentences) :
The second update request should happen between 15-30 minutes later. After that, each update should occur once every 25-30 minutes.
And the paragraph after that one is pretty interesting, too :
To help maintain a high quality of service, it may be necessary for the update server to ask the client to make less frequent requests.
Considering these, I would not do any king of "live" request : I'm afraid google wouldn't quite like it...