Hi I'm using openwith
to open pdf
files in okular
, the relevant lines are
(require 'openwith) ;open files with external program
(setq openwith-associations '(("\\.pdf\\'" "okular" (file)))) ;use okular for pdf
(openwith-mode t)
When I want to send out a message with mu4e
though if there is attached a pdf
, instead of completing the function message-send-and-exit
, the pdf
opens in okular
and the message is never sent.
I was thinking of adding a hook the like
(add-hook 'message-send-and-exit (openwith-mode nil))
but I'm not a lisp
expert and this doesn't solve the problem, probably I'm doing something wrong, anyone can give me a hint?
can interfere with attachments. Since mu4e
reuses message
mode, you can do the following to avoid the clash:
;; prevent <openwith> from interfering with mail attachments
(require 'mm-util)
(add-to-list 'mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers 'openwith-file-handler)