For testing REST services I have built a base class 'RestTestBase' that fires up an embedded Jetty server:
class RestTestBase {
protected static AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootCtx;
protected static AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext webCtx;
private static Server jettyServer;
public static void initSpringAndJetty() {
if(jettyServer == null) {
// init jetty and spring
public static void shutdownJetty() {
if(jettyServer!=null && jettyServer.isRunning()) {
// shutdown jetty and stop spring contexts
When I run this in a single-threaded environment from the Eclipse IDE, all is fine. Jetty and Spring are initialized only once, then all my tests run, then jetty is shut down.
However, when I run it in a multithreaded environment with Maven Surefire, the Jetty server is reinitialized for every single test. Why is that?
This is my surefire configuration:
OK, seems like this questions kind of misses the point, since the behaviour of @BeforeClass and @AfterClass is as expected.
I added a follow-up question to solve my real problem:
How can I initialize a Spring applicationContext just once for all tests