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Backbone.js collector data missing

I have this simple JSON feed which I am attempting to read in a BackBone.JS app.

My challenge is the network traffic comes up completely blank as illustrated below:

enter image description here Using the following code:

  var Topics = Backbone.Collection.extend({
      model: TopicStruct,

      initialize: function(){
          console.log('Collector Responding!');

      url: '',

      render: function(){
          console.log('Topics Render Responding!');


Why am I not getting my data in my Backbone app?


My fetching code:

          console.log('--- DOM Ready!');
          var topics = new Topics();
          var topicsView = new TopicsList({collection: topics});
          topics.fetch({reset: true});

          $('#data table').append(topicsView.el);


  • I think the problem it's that you are not calling fetch() in your collection. I have put your code together in a JSFiddle and it works.

    var topics = new Topics();