I need to bind a function to initialize a js plugin after {Permalink} is clicked so Tumblr IPA "redirects" the browser to a new page, with the post details.
How can I do so? There's not so much documentation on how {Permalink} really works, whether it's ajax or whether it has some callback function (which I would appreciate).
Of course this would try to initialize before the "new" page is loaded. I think it's ajax though.
$("#{Permalink}").click(function() {
zoomType: 'standard',
preloadImages: false,
renders a string that is the URL to the post: http://sample.tumblr.com/post/123
For reference, Tumblr theme operators don't have anything to do with javascript. They render mainly strings.
You need to bind the actual element that is clicked:
<a href="{Permalink}" class="permalink">...</a>
$(".permalink").click(function() {
Reference: http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_themes#posts