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add external css and js files to a custom field in joomla component

I am developing a component in joomla 3. What is the best practice to add external css and js files to it located in mySite/media/com_myComponent/css and mySite/media/com_myComponent/js?


  • To add css and js files in Joomla 3.x, you should use JHtml, like so:

    JHtml::_('script', '');
    JHtml::_('stylesheet', '');

    If they are on the same server as your component AND in media/com_myComponent, then use the following:

    JHtml::_('script', com_myComponent/js/file.js', false, true);
    JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'com_myComponent/css/file.css', false, true);

    Hope this helps