Search code examples

How come my code displays the wrong image?

I'm trying to teach myself cold fusion, javascript, and mysql. I created a page where user can click on an image and then a pop up window will show the full image. My code compiles, but it always displays the first image from my image database. I spent a lot of time on this but couldn't figure out what I'm missing. Can someone give me a hint on how to fix this? Thanks in advance for your help!

File 1: full_article_view.cfm

<!--- retrieve the full article as well as its images --->
<CFQUERY NAME="myQuery1" Datasource="mydb" >
SELECT articles.article_ID, articles.article_title, articles.article_author,
        articles.article_date, articles.article_content, article_image_mapping.aim_articleID
FROM articles
INNER JOIN article_image_mapping ON articles.article_ID = article_image_mapping.aim_articleID
WHERE articles.article_ID = #URL.ID#
GROUP BY article_image_mapping.aim_articleID

<CFQUERY NAME="myQuery2" Datasource="mydb" >
SELECT images.image_ID, images.image_thumbpath, images.image_fullpath, article_image_mapping.aim_articleID, article_image_mapping.aim_imageID
FROM images
INNER JOIN article_image_mapping ON images.image_ID = article_image_mapping.aim_imageID
WHERE article_image_mapping.aim_articleID = #URL.ID#

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script Language="JavaScript">
        function popup()

            MyNewWindow ="full_img.cfm?toshow=images.image_ID");
    <!--- Page Title --->
    <h3>Full Article View</h3>

    <!--- Page Content --->
    <div align="left">
        <!--- Display article title, author, date, and full content --->
        <cfoutput query="myQuery1">
            <p style="color:##848181; font-size:12px">#myquery1.article_author# :: #myquery1.article_date#</p>
        <!--- Display images associated with article--->
        <cfoutput query= "myQuery2">
            <a href="" onClick="popup();">
            <img src="#myquery2.image_thumbpath#" alt="image thumbnail">

File 2: full_img.cfm

<CFQUERY NAME="myQuery3" Datasource="mydb" >
SELECT image_ID, image_thumbpath, image_fullpath
FROM images
WHERE image_ID = #URL.toshow#

<img src="#myquery3.image_fullpath#">


  • In your popup() function you are referncing images.image_ID. This will come over as "images.image_ID", and not translate to the id.

    You could change your popup to pass in the ID that you want.

     <script Language="JavaScript">
        function popup(id)
            MyNewWindow ="full_img.cfm?toshow=" + id);

    Then in your HTML/CFML code

    <!--- Display images associated with article--->
        <cfoutput query= "myQuery2">
            <a href="" onClick="popup(#myQuery2.image_ID#);">
            <img src="#myquery2.image_thumbpath#" alt="image thumbnail">

    I know you are teaching yourself ColdFusion. I'd recommend you use the cfqueryparam tag in your queries to protect against SQL attacks. You would need to use it around your #URL.ID# in your queries.

    So this:

    ...WHERE articles.article_ID = #URL.ID#

    would be this:

    ...WHERE articles.article_ID = <cfqueryparam value = "#URL.ID#" cfsqltype = "cf_sql_integer">

    Hope that helps some.