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/Does/ memmove use an intermediate buffer?

This is more a question out of curiosity than anything important, but I was just wondering about the following snippet in the memmove documentation:

Copying takes place as if an intermediate buffer were used

(emphasis mine). The formulation suggests to me that whether an intermediate buffer is used, is specific to the compiler implementation.

If you would ask me to write memmove, I would probably automatically do the following:

  • allocate n bytes on the heap
  • memcpy the source to the temp
  • memcpy the temp to the destination
  • free the buffer

I was hoping anyone could ...

  1. ... confirm whether the formulation is only because it's easier for users to visualize what is going on, without fixing that specific implementations actually have to use an intermediate buffer;
  2. ... shed some light on the actual implementation in some common C++ compilers (like gcc or Visual C++) - for example, does it use a buffer and does it check for overlap so it can memcpy directly;
  3. ... maybe point out the blatantly obvious error / inefficiency in my simple algorithm above.


    1. Indeed. "As if" means that it must behave like that's what it did; but doesn't constrain the implementation to actually do that. The only required behaviour is that the destination buffer ends up with the correct bytes from the source buffer, whether or not the buffers overlap.

    2. A common implementation is to copy bytes forwards from the beginning of the buffer if the destination starts before the source, and backwards from the end otherwise. This ensures that the source bytes are always read before they're overwritten, if there is an overlap.

    3. There are no errors, unless the allocation fails. The inefficiencies are allocating and freeing the temporary buffer, and copying each byte twice rather than once.