Well i have a pipeline which runs some data for me with the help of a makefile. This pipeline creates an enormous amount of redundant files which i want to clean.
I have 1 makefile to run the pipeline. And the pipeline itself is connected to much other makefiles. so i added this code to the pipeline chipcap.mk file:
.PHONY cleanintermediate
cleanintermediate: $(CHIPCAP_OUTPUT)
rm -rf $(SAMPLE)clipsync.trimsync.fastq
rm -rf $(SAMPLE)clipsync.fastq
rm -rf $(SAMPLE)clip.fastq
rm -rf $(SAMPLE).fastq
rm -rf $(SAMPLE).wig && $(RM) -rf $(SAMPLE).wig.idx
rm -rf $(SAMPLE).sam
Now i run my file like this make -f run_samples.mk
This script will invoke the pipeline and start running all samples separately the command that run_samples.mk gives to the pipeline is:
all: pool1_negCTRL pool1R2R1 pool1SP1 pool2Posctrl pool2R2R2 pool2Input
getCommand = $(MAKE) -f /data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/analysis/pipelines/chipcap/chipcap.mk \
IN_DIR=/data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/input/$(1) \
OUT_DIR=/data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/analysis/runs/$(2) \
FASTQ_EXT=fastq \
CHIPCAP_QC_MODE=cliptrim \
MACS14_EXE=/home/sajvanderzeeuw/.virtualenvs/ronald/bin/macs \
PYTHON_EXE=/home/sajvanderzeeuw/.virtualenvs/ronald/bin/python2.7 \
#Negative control sample
$(call getCommand,pool1,pool1_negCTRL_monday_test,pool1-negCTRL_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,15,30)
How can i say to run_samples.mk that also cleanintermediate(which is in chipcap.mk) should be executed. I've been puzzling a lot but cant find the right way to do it.
cleanintermediate: $(CHIPCAP_OUTPUT)
in chipcap.mk should become cleanintermediate: all
In runchipcap.mk add cleanintermediate to getCommand
getCommand = $(MAKE) -f /data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/analysis/pipelines/chipcap/chipcap.mk \
IN_DIR=/data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/input/$(1) \
OUT_DIR=/data/DIV5/SASC/project-064-ronald-svdz/analysis/runs/$(2) \
FASTQ_EXT=fastq \
CHIPCAP_QC_MODE=cliptrim \
MACS14_EXE=/home/sajvanderzeeuw/.virtualenvs/ronald/bin/macs \
PYTHON_EXE=/home/sajvanderzeeuw/.virtualenvs/ronald/bin/python2.7 \
OPT_MACS14_mfold=$(4),$(5) cleanintermediate