I try to use "randomized pivot" method to find the Kth min elem among given array.
[The code]
public class FindKthMin {
// Find the Kth min elem by randomized pivot.
private static void exchange (int[] givenArray, int firstIndex, int secondIndex) {
int tempElem = givenArray[firstIndex];
givenArray[firstIndex] = givenArray[secondIndex];
givenArray[secondIndex] = tempElem;
private static int partition (int[] givenArray, int start, int end, int pivotIndex) {
// Debug:
//System.out.println("debug: start = " + start);
//System.out.println(">> end = " + end);
//System.out.println(">> pivotIndex = " + pivotIndex);
int pivot = givenArray[pivotIndex];
int left = start - 1;
int right = end;
boolean hasDone = false;
while (!hasDone) {
while (!hasDone) {
left ++;
if (left == right) {
hasDone = true;
if (givenArray[left] >= pivot) {
// Exchange givenArray[left] and the givenArray[right].
exchange(givenArray, left, right);
while (!hasDone) {
right --;
if (left == right) {
hasDone = true;
if (givenArray[right] < pivot) {
// Exchange the givenArray[right] and the givenArray[left].
exchange(givenArray, right, left);
givenArray[right] = pivot;
// Debug:
//System.out.println(">> split = " + right);
return right;
private static int findKthMin_RanP_Helper (int[] givenArray, int start, int end, int k) {
if (start > end) return -1;
// Generate a random num in the range[start, end].
int rand = (int)(start + Math.random() * (end - start + 1));
// Using this random num as the pivot index to partition the array in the current scope.
int split = partition(givenArray, start, end, rand);
if (k == split + 1) return givenArray[split];
else if (k < split + 1) return findKthMin_RanP_Helper(givenArray, start, split - 1, k);
else return findKthMin_RanP_Helper(givenArray, split + 1, end, k);
public static int findKthMin_RanP (int[] givenArray, int k) {
int size = givenArray.length;
if (k < 1 || k > size) return -1;
return findKthMin_RanP_Helper(givenArray, 0, size - 1, k);
// Main method to test.
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Test data: {8, 9, 5, 2, 8, 4}.
int[] givenArray = {8, 9, 5, 2, 8, 4};
// Test finding the Kth min elem by randomized pivot method.
System.out.println("Test finding the Kth min elem by randomized pivot method, rest = " + findKthMin_RanP(givenArray, 1));
But the result is unstable, sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
Please have a look at the 5th row of findKthMin_RanP_Helper
If I change this int split = partition(givenArray, start, end, rand);
to int split = partition(givenArray, start, end, end);
, the result is always correct.
I really can not find what's wrong with this.
private static int partition_second_version (int[] givenArray, int start, int end, int pivotIndex) {
int pivot = givenArray[pivotIndex];
int left = start;
int right = end;
while (left <= right) {
while (givenArray[left] < pivot) left ++;
while (givenArray[right] > pivot) right --;
if (left <= right) {
// Exchange givenArray[left] and givenArray[right].
exchange(givenArray, left, right);
left ++;
right --;
return left;
And the findKthMin_RanP_Helper
should be changed like this:
private static int findKthMin_RanP_Helper (int[] givenArray, int start, int end, int k) {
if (start > end) return -1;
// Generate a random num in the range[start, end].
int rand = start + (int)(Math.random() * ((end - start) + 1));
// Using this random num as the pivot index to partition the array in the current scope.
int split = partition_second_version (givenArray, start, end, rand);
if (k == split) return givenArray[split - 1];
else if (k < split) return findKthMin_RanP_Helper(givenArray, start, split - 1, k);
else return findKthMin_RanP_Helper(givenArray, split, end, k);
Your partition routine could be simplified...
private static int partition(int[] givenArray, int start, int end, int pivotIndex) {
final int pivot = givenArray[pivotIndex];
int left = start;
int right = end;
while (left < right) {
while (left < givenArray.length && givenArray[left] <= pivot) {
while (right > -1 && givenArray[right] > pivot) {
if (left >= right) {
exchange(givenArray, right, left);
return right;
The one bug I see in your code is your partition routine. In the first exchange call, it is not guaranteed that the right index will always point to a value which is < pivot.