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How to see exactly what went wrong in Behave

We recently started using Behave (github link) for BDD of a new python web service.


Is there any way we can get detailed info about the failure cause as tests fails? They throw AssertionError, but they never show what exactly went wrong. For example the expected value and the actual value that went into the assert.

We have been trying to find an existing feature like this, but I guess it does not exist. Naturally, a good answer to this question would be hints and tips on how to achieve this behavior by modifying the source code, and whether this feature exists in other, similar BDD frameworks, like jBehave, NBehave or Cucumber?


Today, when a test fails, the output says:

  Scenario: Logout when not logged in                  # features\logout.feature:6
    Given I am not logged in                               # features\steps\
    When I log out                                     # features\steps\
    Then the response status should be 401             # features\steps\
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:\pro\venv\lib\site-packages\behave\", line 1037, in run

        File "C:\pro\venv\lib\site-packages\behave\", line 1430, in run
          self.func(context, *args, **kwargs)
        File "features\steps\", line 20, in step_impl
          assert context.response.status == int(status)

      Captured stdout:

      Captured logging:
      INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost

I would like something more like:

  Scenario: Logout when not logged in                  # features\logout.feature:6
    Given I am not logged in                               # features\steps\
    When I log out                                     # features\steps\
    Then the response status should be 401             # features\steps\

Expected:   401
But got:    200

As you can see, the assertion in our generic step clearly prints

`assert context.response.status == int(status)`

but I would rather have a function like

assert(behave.equals, context.response.status, int(status)

or anything else that makes it possible to generate dynamic messages from the failed assertion.


  • Instead of using "raw assert" statements like in your example above, you can use another assertion provider, like PyHamcrest, who will provide you with desired details. It will show you what went wrong, like:

    # -- file:features/steps/
    from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to
        assert_that(context.response.status, equal_to(int(status)))

    See also: