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How to fix Typelib generated by MIDL?

I am trying to generate typelib of INetCfg interface using IDL in this page, seen below:

import "netcfgx.idl";

        helpstring("NetCfgX 1.0 Type Library")
library NetCFGLib
        interface IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface;
        interface IEnumNetCfgBindingPath;
        interface IEnumNetCfgComponent;
        interface INetCfg;
        interface INetCfgProperties;
        interface INetCfgLock;
        interface INetCfgBindingInterface;
        interface INetCfgBindingPath;
        interface INetCfgComponentBindings;
        interface INetCfgBindingPath;
        interface INetCfgClass;
        interface INetCfgComponent;
        interface INetCfgIdentification;
        interface INetCfgClassSetup;

Unfortunately, the generated IDL still can't be loaded from comtype, with code given below:

        import comtypes.client as cc

It gives this error WindowsError: [Error -2147312566] Error loading type library/DLL

How do I fix this error? I am using Windows 7 64 bit, and Python 27 64


  • As I use Windows 7 64bit, just solved this issue, by first running WDK setenv.bat <path_to_wdk> x64. After that, generate the typelib either using midl netcfg.idl /env x64 (for 64bit TLB) or midl netcfg.idl (for 32bit TLB).

    I opted to use generate the 64bit TLB

    Hope it helps somebody who just get in touch with this COM beast!