I am making a real time cards game in HTML 5 canvas. The backend server is node.js. Designing the cards table is giving me a hard time, because I just don't want to draw everything on canvas.
This is something I want to achieve for the cards table.
One option I have right now is to make this image as the background of the canvas and animate my cards over it. This is good for performance point of view, but then I may not be able to capture events like cards moved in a particular area.
What is the best way to solve this situation? Should I set it as background of canvas, or create it over canvas with css?
FYI: I am using kineticjs as a front-end framework for developing this game.
You can determine which cell the mouse is over like this:
Listen for dragmove
events which fire when the card is being dragged.
Inside the dragmove handler, get the mouse position,
Mathematically calculate which cell the mouse is over
A Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/DN5hA/
Here's how it might look in code:
var mouse=stage.getPointerPosition();
var cellX=parseInt((mouse.x-borderOffsetX)/cellWidth);
var cellY=parseInt((mouse.y-borderOffsetY)/cellHeight);